Foreword – I have ADD and that means all my memories are incomplete. ADD folks don’t record everything, just flashes of events. If you fan a deck of cards you will get a glimpse of some of the cards. You might see a black King but can not tell if it is a spade or club. Many of the cards will not be recognized. That’s the way ADD types store memories.

Why Do You Spank? It could be like Hank William’s song Family Traditions.

I have mentioned several times here that I spanked all/most [choose one, I don’t recall] of my dates in HS. I did not have a clue about spanking. They got sassy, challenged me and I spanked them. It just seemed the natural thing to do. They considered it fun. I never thought beforehand about spanking them. I had no sexual fantasies about spanking.

It became sexual after the spanking. Her dress/skirt up, her bottom on view, what was a teenage boy supposed to d0. Would she have allowed me to reveal her charms making out on the first date. Probably not. But, it was somehow OK because it was required for a spanking.

So there she was, exposed, submissive and receptive to fondling.

Were any of them accustomed to being spanked? I don’t ever recall asking. But, they were not strangers to the practice.

Were teenage girls universally sassy with their dates? You tell me.  Did they push their boyfriends to see his reaction? Were they secretly happy by how hard he got?

Due to ADD I can not relate with any specificity how the spankings played out. How many spanks? Not many, probably ten or so with my hand. There might be a second round if she continued with her sass. It usually did on the next date.

I was 19 when a switch flipped and I consciously plotted to spank and wanted to be spanked.

While the motivation for spanking during HS was quasi punishment, as a young adult it was for pleasure. Initially mine and gradually hers as I learned women could get just arroused as I did from a spanking.

Every reader here probably a slightly different reason for their passion for spanking. I wonder how much our reason was influenced by fictional spanking stories and some absurd video plots.

For me, when the gal is giving me sass while I am spanking her, it takes me back to HS days.


What Got You Started Spanking?
What Got You Started Spanking?x

Not related to this post, except for memories. It’s before my time, but I have always liked it.

Bob Hope and Rosemary Clooney doing Hope’s theme song, Thanks for the Memories


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June 24, 2024 8:04 am
What Got You Started Spanking?" Read more »

Always a spanko…do not know the origins but spanking and getting spanked were always on my mind. I was one of those people that looked it up in dictionary’s and novels that spanking scenes were sought out as well a movies and television. Most girl friends I spanked and most spanked me. Including an ex -wife, current SO and as of late several men have spanked me thanks to Whappz.

June 24, 2024 8:12 am
Reply to  stevie

Thanks for your experiences. My question was not the origin of the fetish, but the motivation. I started out as quasi punishment and wound up for pleasure.

Lee Roberts
Lee Roberts
June 24, 2024 8:36 am

It goes back before I could read when I discovered that a lot of characters in the newspaper comics got spanked or gave spankings, it was very common and I also looked it up in the dictionary. My brother and I got spanked regularly, but I did not look forward to it, however when I discovered that all things spanking always got me aroused, I started looking forward to it and of course at the same time I “became too old for spankings” I know know that spankings are really for adults. Sadly, I was a late bloomer and did not have a lot of girlfriends, but my wife makes up for it by making sure that my special need is well provided.

June 24, 2024 8:46 am
Reply to  Lee Roberts

Morning Lee, thanks for commenting and sharing your experiences. My question was Why do you spank? I suppose I should do one Why do you like to be spanked?

Lee Roberts
Lee Roberts
June 24, 2024 11:36 pm
Reply to  Bogey

I believed that was obvious, it is a NEED closely to a need for sex. I have always noticed that once I have climaxed, I suddenly am no longer interesting in spanking, either giving or getting. So, it is important to get spanked before having sex. A hot bottom often enhances having sex. That and the excitement of being spanked, knowing it’s about to happen, reaching that point where you wish it was over, but it still goes on some more. And lastly, that feeling my bottom has after wards, like it is being held by a big warm hand.

Lee Roberts
Lee Roberts
June 25, 2024 8:49 am
Reply to  Bogey

When my wife and I do a double, she always insists on being first in case I get a little too enthusiastic and payback is on her mind.

June 24, 2024 9:02 am

I had strong sexual fantasies going back to at least age 5 which became extremely powerful at puberty. I know dominance and submission always played a role but am not sure exactly when spanking became a core part.

i knew for sure in the 7th grade. It was the late 60s and skirts were at an all time shortest. I was at a large urban school, but somehow took an improvisational drama class taught by a young college student who didn’t seem to have any behavioral expectations for the class. Mostly we formed small groups, then rehearsed and performed short skits for the class.

Three girls did a skit, with two insanely cute 7th graders playing daughters and an 8th grade girls playing the mother. The girls had misbehaved and the mother chased them around the stage spanking them with a newspaper. Their dresses flew up, baring their, respectively, black and beige panties.

For some reason the skit was repeated a few weeks later, I didn’t really know other kids in the class and never would have admitted at that age how much it turned me on. I’m still amused the teacher let them do it. But from that day on, I was hooked.

June 24, 2024 11:12 am
Reply to  Rosco

Morning Roscoe, The skit the 7th-grade girls did argues (for me at least) that spanking is near universal in the minds of girls of that age, just like the ones I spanked in the 10-12 grades.

You don’t say if you spank or not, but I would put your motivation as it being sexual. Still have their panty colors fixed your mind. I would too.

June 24, 2024 7:43 pm
Reply to  Bogey

I don’t spank. My wife isn’t interested. I might have been a switch. But we’re nearly 70 now and the whole kit and caboodle is fantastic if less frequent than in our younger days

my first attempt at spanking was wildly successful- at 13 (summer after 8th grade just after the moon landing) before I’d even kissed a girl – the late night on the beach horseplay led to spanking a partially clad bottom, followed my making out and her leading my hand to third base when I was going only for second. But subsequent attempts to do the spanking were unsuccessful and did not help my self esteem. If I’d only known then what I know now …

June 24, 2024 9:26 am

I do so because I find it stimulating… erotically, intellectually and emotionally. The desired outcome is fulfillment of all three. Why I find it stimulating? That’s a far more complex question whose best answer is… c’est la vie.

June 24, 2024 11:14 am
Reply to  Tex

I can relate to 2 out 3, erotically, intellectually and emotionally. My mind is a joke, so intellectually is out.

June 28, 2024 5:29 am
Reply to  Tex

I can relate to Tex’s comment, it pretty much sums up my own motivation for spanking.

June 24, 2024 10:38 pm

For me it started after an in class paddling in 2nd grade. From then on, my ears perked up anytime it was discussed. The first thoughts were fantasies of girls in my class being spanked as punishment for some unknown misbehavior. At the time, I didn’t recognize it as erotic, but as I started puberty, those thoughts became more erotic. Funny thing though, I kept that all to myself until my mid 30’s. It was my little secret. If life can be lived over, THAT would be different.

June 25, 2024 8:30 am
Reply to  Bogey

I am answering the question, “What got you started spanking.” For me, spanking is all about my partner, I would not wish to spank or be spanked bay anyone not a spanko. It has to be a two way street for me.

June 25, 2024 7:36 am

I have shared this before, but I was spanked, thrashed really, with a belt by both parents as a child. As a young adult, I completely rejected it, and could not stand even being playfully slapped by a girlfriend.

later, I went through a particularly emasculating period, professionally and personally, and this opened the door.

however, while I enjoy the callipygous parade of pulchritude on display in the city during the summer, my desires are more oral, than manual.