Being spanked as a kid did not mean you would embrace spanking as an adult. Plenty of spanko’s were never spanked or even saw a spanking. But most of us had some experiences. This reader shares his with us.
My grade school experiences started in first grade when we were all called to an assembly. This was grades 1-6.  The principal got up in front of the whole school and produced a paddle. I remember it like it was yesterday.  I don’t remember her words but I remember the gesture of holding it up for all to see, and everyone reacting.
In second grade, one of the students had been talking during class and the teacher, who was one of the younger ones, took him to the back of the room and quietly sat down with the paddle on the desk and scolded him for misbehaving telling him that she was sorry she had to punish him but he had earned it. I remember it felt like it lasted forever, and then she told him to get up and stand in front of her and she gave him 5 swats, right there in class.   I remember it felt “funny” to watch it.  I was scared, but there was something else going on I was only able to identify decades later. It was a very clear moment in my memory.
Lastly in 5th grade (I think I mentioned this earlier in a post on the old site), I was paddled in front of the class for talking. I was required to walk to the classroom next door and ask the teacher for the paddle and bring it back. To be honest, I don’t remember how many swats there were, I  just remember being mortified and scared. I remember afterward, when I took my seat, my bottom felt warm, not sore. I  thought to myself,  “Okay, that wasn’t so bad”
Funny twist on fate, that same teacher lived nearby and after she retired, I delivered her papers, and cut her grass for years until she passed. The spanking was never mentioned.
This happened to me
A Spanko at 14

Our 14 yo daughter invited a gf to go to the beach with us. When we picked her up there was a delay in her coming to our car. Her Mom came out with her and apologized and confided that she had to spank her for back-talking. After we were on the road the girl told us that her Mom had packed her hairbrush in her bag and we should use it if she acted up. WHAT!

As we were getting the bags in the condo, she put hers in a hall closet. She bent over to get something out of the bag and her short sun dress exposed her bare cheeks which still showed her mom’s efforts. And there on top of her clothes was the hairbrush.

I said nothing, but I was positive sure she was showing off her HS fanny to see what I would do.


I made a bet in 7th grade with a girl I had a crush on during science class.(she was a little crushing too)  We were of course egged on a little by our table mates.  Anyway, the basic parameters were that the loser had to get paddled by her math teacher (a woman known to swing a mean paddle made from a cut-off goalie stick.  Long story short after a series of double or nothings it was determined that we both lost and hence had to submit to said paddling.   We agreed to meet in the teacher’s room after school as she had her for her last class.  I made it to the teacher’s room after school.  As I was walking in  She was walking out.  I asked her if she had taken her paddling (big mistake)  she said yes and left.  I walked in and asked for the paddling I was dude.  The teacher gladly accepted my request and gave me 5 increasingly harder swats.  As I was leaving the teacher asked me what caused me to make my request as I did not have her as a teacher.  I told her the story of the bet and the mutual agreement.   Well 2 days later in Science class as I was sitting at the table a number of kids came in and gave me a high five when I asked what was up they stated  Jill would tell me.  Shortly in walked Jill and she was steamed, apparently she had lied and when I confessed to the teacher the teacher was upset to have been put in the middle and the fact that Jill had lied and allowed me to take the swats.  So the next day at the end of class she called Jill up to the front of class reviewed the bet and the agreement and informed her I had taken my paddling and now was her turn.  She proceeded to lay into her  5 very hard very firm swats  Jill was not happy about it,  Needless to say, it took a few more weeks before I was able to convince Jill to go to the movies with me…Was the start of a nice Jr High/High school relationship that would grow to include mutual spankings

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July 29, 2024 5:09 am

some great tails my English teacher like give out a flew himself with wooden set square back in high school🇦🇺🐓🔒

July 29, 2024 9:19 am

Inquiring minds want to know: Was she a model guest that week, or did she push the limits? It sure sounds like it was no accident. Did the subject ever come up again when talking to her mom?

July 29, 2024 9:24 am
Reply to  Jack

She was no problem. I never though her showing her spanked bottom. Teen age girls are not inhibited. Maybe she wanted a Daddy? The subject never came up again.

July 29, 2024 4:41 pm

One of my early spanko life-experiences was very similar to your first example; except occurring a year earlier in Kindergarten. The Principal, welcoming us to the school in assembly, showed the paddle she would use if we misbehaved in class <gulp>.

The moment made for a quite vivid impression. And I suppose her admonition worked as I managed to navigate the totality of my school years without earning swats.