For Openers

Some days I would not mind returning to the less complicated times of 1955

Practicing Assuming the Position

Big Pearls

She will never forget her first time

I regret I never thought of building one like this. Dual purpose.

Simplicity – it might be daunting to enter and exit

I always had a thing for chain mail

The paddle could be for her or him or both. You decide

Did you crush on her too?

I bowled at 2am, but we never had this

Fun in the stacks

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August 6, 2024 6:23 am

How to ruin a promising photograph. The young lady in the chainmail bikini is attractive and the combination of shiny metal against soft skin is undoubtedly arousing but the filthy dressing gown and discarded drinks can and other sundry rubbish is a turn off. If that is the young lady’s bedroom then a minimum 12 strokes of a 10mm senior cane is called for.
2AM bowling. That takes me back to when 10 pin bowling (as it was called here) became the rage in the sixties. Now tell me if someone is spanked in a bowling alley do the strikes count in the score. Sorry it is the English love of puns in humour.

August 6, 2024 7:44 am

Your opener should be labeled ‘Pilates for Better Sex’. Apparently the lass in the woods went walking alone and ran into the big bad wolf. Dana Delaney… yes. Just yes! Definitely wouldn’t mind switching sides of the lap a few times with her. I doubt you’ll find chain mail being worn much in Winter… 🙂

AL Gore
AL Gore
August 6, 2024 8:40 am

a great assortment of sexy gals, like the the bendover gal gif, the cmon reminds me of my days past

Lee Roberts
Lee Roberts
August 6, 2024 9:19 am

The girl with the paddle is intriguing as she displays a beautiful bottom. Wish I could see more of her. I suspect she is saying, “your turn”, but that is just a guess.

Dan Quale
Dan Quale
August 6, 2024 6:33 pm
Reply to  Lee Roberts

I agree since she appears to have been already spanked the indication is that she is telling him it is his turn otk.
Man if that were an option at my local bowling alley I would be bowling to 2 am in every league. I wonder if I wonder if he is getting a turn otk because he missed the split

August 6, 2024 11:00 am

Great pics Bogey! But, after seeing the China Beach, Dana Delany pic, everything else disappeared into the background. I loved the show and was disappointed when it was cancelled.
Then Exit To Eden came along. I absolutely loved the first 5 minutes, but I was a bit disappointed in the movie in general. But, this was the first time I was aware of a major movie approaching a Female Dominant side without going to full BDSM.

August 6, 2024 10:41 pm

Library never or bowling lane something must look into but,crush no but great actor,waiting for daddy to come home good girl, FLR, the butcher wife, common household equipment and when visiting the house of Gore,first time do we every forget, for some women the size of pearl meant statics in society my grandmother had a set of pearls from Japan pure,pears of purtiy at age of sweet 16 ,practice makes perfect same with the pelvic raise .Just my thoughts from bottom to top🐓🇦🇺🔒