One of the great Southern Rock bands performing their classic, Freebird, in 1977 in Oakland.

Early on, their manager put them in a small Georgia town, Macon, a place with few distractions to work on their act. He arranged for a meat and three restaurant within walking distance from their house to feed them three squares a day.

The keyboardist, Billy Powell, had been a roadie with the band for two years. During a break at one event, Powell sat down at a piano and played a song. When the band realized their roadie’s ability, he was offered the position of keyboardist.

Notice the fresh faced Little Darlings at the fence line. How long do you imagine the band would stay alive if they were dropped into their midst?

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August 18, 2024 7:58 am

What song is it you wanna hear?


I heard it that time!

August 18, 2024 7:59 am

Not just a, but THE, definitive Southern Rock band. Opening riff to Sweet Home Alabama was something every rookie guitar player aspired to learn.

August 18, 2024 4:49 pm
Reply to  Bogey

Skynard in my view was purest southern kick-ass rock. Allman Bros definitely close but I’d probably slide The Outlaws or Marshall Tucker Band into number three. ZZ Top was unique but I always considered more hard rock/blues than pure southern rock. Would put the Eagles up there until Bernie Leadon left.

August 19, 2024 7:50 am
Reply to  Bogey

Have mercy!