I don’t have a picture post ready for today. Sorry. I will close voting on Pick Your Spanker this afternoon.

Still recovering from Covid, I have had too much daydream time the last week. Back in the very first days of the net, specifically ARPANET, there were Use Nets. They were typically hosted at universities but provided worldwide communications for all sorts of content, including between spanking enthusiasts.

There seemed to be more women users, but women are more verbose and they had taken taken typing. Factual and fictional stories blossomed. I learned that that men and women shared vast territory about spanking.

One story of not great content escaped my deep thoughts. It was set in a boys boarding school. Middle to high school age. Can you imagine that paddling was the customary punishment? With a twist, the school administrator would make the boys don thongs. If the younger boys exhibited any signs of tenting, she would have them sit between her legs and massage them until their eyes rolled back in their heads. The older boys were given a few encouragement licks and allowed to rub one out themselves under supervision before getting paddled.

The author asked me if I thought she went too far. At that time, I did not think so.

Would you consider being paddled if an orgasm was required before the paddling?

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September 19, 2024 7:41 am

I experienced being paddled post orgasm years ago. It was very unpleasant. I do not recommend it.

Lee Roberts
Lee Roberts
September 19, 2024 7:47 am

No. In my experience, just like right after taking a shower, a spanking after an orgasm is way too painful, which I also avoid.

September 19, 2024 7:50 am

Those early groups were a coming out party of sorts for burgeoning writers of spanking fiction, not to mention spanko’s themselves. Hard not to be a bit nostalgic about the sense wonder at finding a community of like-minded enthusiasts. My answer to your post-hormone aided paddling question would be a definite ‘pass’… unless you’re talking about the 18 year-old ‘me’ who’d see it as foreplay for Round Two?

September 19, 2024 7:54 am

I’ve read about folks doing that and thought about it. But as soon as I’ve come, I lose interest. I suppose it would be appropriate if I were getting a true punishment spanking, but we only role play.

so no.

Lee Roberts
Lee Roberts
September 19, 2024 12:43 pm
Reply to  Rosco

I also have found that after an orgasm, my interest in spanking seems to vanish for a while which is why I have always considered spanking as part of having sex and less about punishment.

September 19, 2024 9:06 am

For me, unless there was some specific reason and it was required by my wife, the answer would be no. Post orgasm, the endorphins are gone, and pain tolerance is through the floor. BUT, it would an experience that you could never forget. That does make the idea intriguing. But, then again, NAHHHH. 🙂

September 19, 2024 1:28 pm

I had several experiences of such a paddling after orgasm.
Most memorable and most painful was a session I had with several women present. They stripped me of all clothing , had me stand before them with hands over head and they each took turns stroking my penis till I came. They I was bent over the back of a chair and each in turn paddled my bottom, probably a good three dozen swats. I felt each one far more than any time I was paddled and I had trouble merely putting my underwear back on let alone sitting for several days afterwards.
Having made me cum before that paddling sort of took away the edge of handing a good punishment.
It left me much more vulnerable to the actual osi. Of the wooden paddle striking me.

Miss those days.

Al Gore
Al Gore
September 19, 2024 4:32 pm

nope, nope that would not be the way I want it, right from the Beginnings of my interest in spanking the orgasm with the spanking. My nun spanking fantasy is that way too- motor boating a nun should get you spanked
