I have spanked and been spanked outdoors many times. By Bacall and by friends

Three women have spanked me in one session, one was Bacall. There was a happy ending.

I have spanked a few gals in our van. I spanked one in my car, that was parked in front of her office building at lunchtime. Lots of people walking by, no one seemed to have noticed. Maybe I should have put the top down?

Don’t know for sure, but I have spanked somewhere around 110 women since I was 40. I have no idea how many when I was a teen, say a dozen. And there were a few when I was 25 to 40, mostly one-time affairs.

We went to a few dozen private spanking parties.

Bacall and I enjoyed several long weekends with switchy girlfriends. Three hot bottoms all weekend. Everyone spanked and got spanked. We all wore panties all weekend.

Spanking with another couple. We did this with two couples. Should have done it more. That’s the only thing I regret not doing more of.

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October 4, 2024 7:04 am

I did not expect to learn you’d worn panties all weekend.


October 4, 2024 8:50 am
Reply to  Bogey

ah yes. do you wear them when you spank, or just when you are getting yours?

or both?

October 4, 2024 9:38 am

my next bucket list item is 5 o’clock this afternoon. Pretty much the same routine I expect but like they say if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Powerful stuff still after 45 years with Irene.

Well, we’re fully monogamous so it’s fantasyland, but I’d like to be spanked by the women’s tennis team preferably when they’re nice and sweaty after a match. Or a sorority. Or the women of Fox News – I’m a liberal snowflake so maybe they could spank some common sense into me. I have a dozen or so such fantasies which I continue to rewrite in my head mostly building off women and girls I’ve known.

in real life I’d life to be securely but comfortably tied to a spanking bench. Especially want my head and neck properly supported so I can enjoy the discipline.

I’ve been spanked several times with riding crops in an oak paneled tack room at a stables amidst the strong aroma of leather. A wonderful setting.

and I was spanked floating the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon. We’d drifted behind our group a ways and didn’t see any others, but it’s hard to know which sounds echo down there and which do not.

October 4, 2024 6:49 pm
Reply to  Bogey

Well I agree with you on the definition of non monogamous but Irene doesn’t. Or maybe she’s just shy. Either way, it doesn’t seem likely to happen.

October 4, 2024 10:28 am

My you have been busy over the years! One time I sat down and counted how many women I spanked from the age of 44. I met 38 individually, the last one was with my present wife. 🙂 After that, we went to 14 spanking parties over the years and I actually can’t count how many young ladies I had the pleasure of spanking at these parties. These were friends I only saw once a year and the entire weekend was non stop. Fun Fun Fun.

The one regret I have is that I wasn’t more honest. I was VERY guarded about being a switch because so many women were bottoms only and didn’t want to know if you are a switch. I met one-on-one with 2 women switches over the years and the experiences were very enjoyable.

I did see 3 Professional Tops. They were all VERY good at what they did but I found the experience left me emotionally wanting. There is something about paying for a spanking that didn’t work as well. There was one exceptional Top who frequents the large parties who was absolutely amazing at playing the role. She is a professional but at parties plays with anyone who she has time for.

Regarding couples, I just never found a connection with couples like you have. There are times when I do wish we had.

October 4, 2024 4:59 pm

I would be the odd one out in this conversation, as over the last 40 years or so, have only seen professional spankees. To pick up on a point made by others, until recently spankees were generally bottoms, now most spankees offer to switch, whether they are any good at it is another matter. I’m by nature a top but happy to switch if the lady is skilled enough. As something of an ambassador for the UK pro spanking scene (via spankeefinder.org.uk) I receive invitations to all the parties and quite a few one-to-ones, but actually quite prefer having a regular partner. One I met up with for 13 years (she is still listed), another for 7 years (no longer listed) and for the last 2 years the best of the lot (not listed). In my mispent youth, I discovered the aphrodisiac effect of letting vanilla girlfriends spank me. Being now of an age of fading glory, perhaps I may be forgiven for bragging how successful that was. All those well bred and educated young ladies turned positively carnal after administering a few dozen strokes of the cane to my rear end. But then one of them declined to give me a thrashing and continued to do so. We married and remain so. She knows my inclinations and allows me free rein to pursue the pleasure of a lifetime. I know and understand that for many men the idea of paying someone to administer a spanking is an anathema, that is only to be expected.

October 4, 2024 5:33 pm
Reply to  Peter

I discovered the aphrodisiac effect of letting vanilla girlfriends spank me.
I’ll bet there is a story of how you enticed them.

All those well-bred and educated young ladies turned positively carnal…
It’s amazing to witness the transformation.

You have had a good run, sir.

October 4, 2024 5:11 pm

A quite impressive number, Bogey. Seems Dallas of Dallas Spanks Hard has recently been posting a memoir of sorts detailing many of the models and other ladies he has spanked since entering the lifestyle.

As to being spanked outside? I can report only a very few times, and then mostly comprised of a few hardy swats. Hardly what I would classify as a ‘spanking’; which is odd I guess considering the years we lived out of town.

I found Jack’s sentiments on seeing a Pro pretty similar to my own. Only attempted it one time and while the lady was excellent; the experience fell a bit short of what I was hoping to find. Your party experiences probably provided more sense of ‘connection’ as everyone would like be on more equal footing, there for the same reasons.

October 4, 2024 5:28 pm
Reply to  tex

Two years back, Dallas was offering his memories. Only 2 or 3 chapters, and he was charging full price. Do you have a link to it? It’s not mentioned on his X account.

I always carried a pocket paddle when hiking. If it was Bacall with me, then we both felt it. I posted about Bend Over Rock on the old blog.

I had a close connection with many of the folks at our parties. More than the spanking, I miss things like the intimate conversations on Saturday afternoons. When just 2 or 4 folks would gather and discuss spanking.

October 4, 2024 7:01 pm
Reply to  Bogey

Don’t have a direct link, but you can find them on his Fetlife account, posted as photos of the gals (usually with bright red bottoms) with commentary about the scene or situation involved, how he met them.

October 4, 2024 7:07 pm
Reply to  Bogey

it’s the intimate conversations I miss the most.

October 4, 2024 7:51 pm

this is quite a collection of experience!
i’ve only got a handful of partners over the years. One thing I would agree with is never tell anyone you were a switch. It does stop things cold. I’ve been smart enough not to do it but I’ve heard lots of people explain that they made that mistake.
i’ve never belong to a group for a number of reasons, and have never been to a party for the same ones. But, the women that I have replied to have all been positive, and if we didn’t meet, it was my choice not theirs.
The way I have approached, these people have been treat them as if they were dates. I would take them for a nice dinner and listen to them. It was a genuine interest. Then, they were eager to proceed.
I met one pro one time, and she has been introduced to me by someone we both knew. She was astonished that I wanted to ask her about what she did, and took her to dinner! She really just couldn’t believe it. When we got back to her place, she immediately stripped, and asked me to spank her. She said no one ever gotten to do that before. I’m confident that the reason was that I treated her like I would’ve wanted to be treated not. Some kind of prostitute.
Other than that, my experiences have been very unremarkable compared to yours. Y’all have had a great time!