I saw this picture and just had to share. 

I like the juxtaposition of her pearls and the the yellow gloves. It reminds of a male sub story I read years ago. He was allowed to cum once a year. She put on yellow gloves and rubbed his johnson for one minute while he bent over the commode. It didn’t matter if he came or not, after one minute he was done for another year.

I removed this section of the post about Bacall. It was special to me, but garnered no comments.


A reader sent me this picture of Jamaica Bay near JFK airport. I know next to nothing about New York City, but this picture shows a side not commonly seen. That’s Freedom Tower on the right. The bay southwest of JFK is a haven for water fowl.

A reader asked if I could make the text darker. This is the best WP offers. I hope it works for him.


One of my fav lines I took off for the sky

You see she was gonna be an actress
And I was gonna learn to fly
She took off to find the footlights
And I took off for the sky

And here, she’s acting happy
Inside her handsome home
And me, I’m flying in my taxi
Taking tips and getting stoned

I go flying so high, when I’m stoned

Long term readers know we enjoy having our buns toasted by another couple and returning the favor. Our regret is that we did not do it enough.

Here are a few pictures, regrettably not of us. I guess we were having too much fun to think about preserving our reddened posteriors for prosperity.


I recently learned that a woman we had not seen in several years had died. In mid-life, she had decided the most important thing to her was to be submissive to a man and be paddled for breaking rules she thought were important.

She divorced her husband. Her two late teen boys moved in with their Dad. All she wanted was her freedom and a small house. Freedom. Free to live as another man required her.

She was a delightful person. We did not have a spanking relationship. Nor would I have wanted one. We spent some weekends parkng our RV at her home on the Gulf Coast nd eating seafood and yakking.

When we first knew her, her Dom was long distance. If she broke a rule, he had a local man paddle her. Later her Dom was a like a traveling minister. He would travel between all his submissives, staying a week or so with each and give them sore bottoms. No sex.

We have known several other women who have done the same thing.

I think a irrational need to be submissive is a form of mental illness. Men or Women.


I find it equally odd that men will seek to Dom women from a distance. Sometimes never meeting face-to-face. Men with families that take considerable time to talk with their sub daily.


Regular readers know we are both alpha types. Sometimes, Bacall will want to be submissive. She tells me the day before exactly what she wants and works her mind into becoming that submissive. I call it being bedroom submissive. Bondage helps get her “her mind right”. I have became experienced in trigger words and sentences that help her settle in. When released she always does a particular sex act. One that means submission to her. She never does it any other time. She would if I asked, but I reserve it for her special use.

As soon as our play session is over she is back to doing what she wants, how she wants, when she wants.


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Some notes from a dear cyber friend who always told it straight.

Hi, The guys never said anything, but I’m sure they figured out that no hand squeezing my butt meant I had gotten spanked fairly recently. Only a couple got to use both hands, front and back, and only the guy I had sex with actually got into my panties. I will have to say that all that rubbing through my blue jeans was exciting, though! 

There is a big difference between videos and actually watching a real spanking. The girls reactions in the videos are never real. There’s never the frantic kicking and struggling to escape that happens in a real spanking. I saw how my sisters reacted, and I know I fought just as hard to get away as they did. When I see my nieces spanked its the same thing. Their reactions mirror me and my sisters when we were teenagers. My sisters still get spanked, but its mostly for fun and bedroom games. I know they both got a couple of good paddlings when they were first married, but haven’t heard either of them actually being spanked for discipline for quite a few years. When I see my disciplinarian its all for stress and emotional release. I don’t feel guilty when I need a spanking, I haven’t done anything wrong to deserve it, I just want it. I prefer actual bondage, padded hand and ankle cuffs are the best, especially if there is a ring to tie me in position over a horse or bench.

The mental aspect can be interesting and exciting, but it has to be at a slower pace. There is a certain thrill and anticipation when being ordered not to move, and I can mostly obey if the licks are spaced out so I can catch my breath and ready myself for the next one. If they’re too fast and close together I lose my composure and I’m going to cover up and roll away from the pain. Obviously it doesn’t matter when I’m fully restrained, but that’s what brings on the panic mode and starts the wild emotional roller coaster ride.

What surprises you? That I’m not that strict with my nieces and nephews? I’m sure they’d rather have me spank them than their parents, but that doesn’t mean they like it. They still put up a fuss and resist going over my knee, and I can assure you, none of them has ever said ‘Thank you’ for taking down their pants. Hope all is well, and have a great Memorial Weekend! Beth

I think its great that you and Bacall ‘play’ together so much.  I’m sure her bottom stings like crazy, but saying it was bright pink tells me you’re a pretty careful disciplinarian.  If you had said her bottom was dark purple and bruised, I’d be a bit worried for her.  I doubt I get spanked as much as she does, but when my husband spanks me its about the same.  My bottom is stingy and red, but its not enough to make me cry, and I’ve sassed him enough on several occasions to get a repeat the next day. Then it stings a bit more, but I’m usually satisfied for a few days after. 

Mom still has the hairbrush, and I’m sure if needed, she’ll put it to good use on my nieces and nephews.  I doubt she would ever use it on me or my sisters again.  We would have to do something pretty drastic for that to happen. Yes, my sisters approve of spanking. I’ve seen them spank their kids a few times, but not lately.  The kids know what they’ll get spanked for and pretty much shy away from that kind of behavior. 

One question: When you spanked your daughter, was it bare bottom?  We were always spanked bare, so there was a lot more embarrassment than if they had let us keep our pants on.  I don’t think it would have changed our behavior that much, but it might have in certain instances. I probably would have chosen a spanking from my dad instead of my mom too.  The spankings weren’t all that much different, but moms tend to spank ‘angry’ more than men do. Their attitude and demeanor make it seem worse than being spanked by a dad, but as i said, the spankings themselves aren’t  really any worse, they just seem that way. I’m not sure why either, but a hairbrush always seems worse than a paddle.  I definitely know what a hairbrush feels like landing on my bare bottom, and 30 seconds of it fast and furious makes it seem like hours!  When mom put us over her knee, I don’t think any of us ever made it past the first 10 or 15 seconds before we were bawling and kicking like crazy, but I don’t know if you could call it breaking our will. I’d say it was more of an emotional washout.  Between being scared, feeling sorry for ourselves, a little bit of anger, and feeling so helpless just made us lose any control we might have had. We just gave up and bawled like babies, but I still do that when its a real spanking.

Hi, I never got spanked in school, but my teachers or the principal made sure my parents knew when I misbehaved, and were probably well aware my bare bottom was properly attended to at home!  I did my share of pouting and feeling sorry for myself when I got spanked, but I knew if I hadn’t been naughty I wouldn’t have gotten spanked either.  I never had a choice about accepting discipline, it was going to happen no matter what I said or did, so it was better to just get it over with and not make it worse!  LOL My parents never yelled and hollered when they spanked us, which kind of made me feel more guilty for disappointing them than if they had gotten angry. I never liked being told what to do either, especially when it contradicted what I wanted to do, but after a few spankings I figured it was in the best interest of my backside if I at least made a token effort to obey their rules. A rule never breaks until you get caught, then you hear that sharp ‘snap’ and sense your bottom is going to pay dearly for it! 

I think we all have our playful and serious sides when it comes to spankings, and at certain times we need/want one or the other. We like the playful because they are erotic and sensual, but we sometimes need to punishment side more for our emotional well being. I look at any implement as a means of spanking. They all sting, and some we dislike more than others, but in the end I’m still going to feel like a naughty bawling little schoolgirl when its over. Dad’s strap was reserved for serious misbehavior, and he applied it with vigor when making an impression on my bare bottom. I think its ‘worse’ than a wooden paddle mainly because it leaves such a fierce burning sensation on my bottom.  “The fires of Hell” is a very apt description of what it feels like, but I still prefer that to a hard paddling that leaves my buttocks sore and bruised for days on end. Granted, small, light wooden paddles can be a lot of fun when used in the playful sense, but I never have liked them for real discipline.  Same with a Lexan paddle, it can be a nice change of pace, but they have a very ‘thuddy’ effect when used for punishment. I’ve never been caned, but I’m assuming it can be nice, or excruciating, depending on how its used. When the decision making becomes all one sided in a relationship it often begins creeping very close to abuse. 

All participants have to be able to say ‘slow down’ or ‘stop’ and everyone else needs to respect that.  I agree, most women don’t need to be tamed, you just have to know how to play the game right. I will say though that some girls and women would certainly benefit from a ‘damn good spanking’ to take them off the pedestal they think they belong on. You’re also right, I have been disappointed a few times. If you had known me in college I suspect that we would have had a very wild, hot, sexy affair, or you would have paddled my butt until I couldn’t sit for a month!  LOL  I think the thing that makes most people interesting is their sense of humor.  If we can laugh at ourselves, we’ll fit in with almost any company.

You suffered through childhood because of ADD, but someone should have seen you had problems.  No doubt they labeled you a ‘problem child’ and let it go at that. Now days they screen the kids a lot better, but sometimes I think they’re too quick to call normal active kids ADD or ADHD. Lets face it, most kids have excess energy to burn and are hyper-active in general. I think we would be better off if we stopped trying to control their lives and just let them be kids. What do you think? Have a great week!    Beth

Hi,    I think being bound over a spanking horse/bench has a certain allure for a lot of women, and some men also. For me its the sense of complete helplessness and vulnerability, but I’m sure others have their own reasons.  Plain old curiosity probably plays a big part, especially for those doing it the first time. It would probably be different in a party atmosphere since the spankings are seldom full on discipline/punishment either.

The fear of being caught bound and naked definitely adds to the thrill and excitement outdoors. Just being exposed causes enough anxiety, but its really multiplied when any ability to flee is taken away. I don’t think any spanking has to be extreme. I tend to think our felt pain is more a matter of where we are mentally than being all physical. It might seem weird that I can’t ‘take’ my spankings without rushing my hands back and struggling, but as I said, I’m not good with mental bondage. My thoughts on spreader bars is they are best used when a woman is bound hands over her head, and its mainly for play and not actual discipline. Then the whips and riding crops can come out and gently play havoc on all the very sensitive parts of her anatomy, and other toys can become part of the game. ( ie nipple clamps, butt plugs, etc.) I’m sure all mattresses have their advantages/disadvantages, but at least I never get ‘rug burn’ on my ass from any of them!  LOL .

I would bet a lot of women have a short pleated skirt, but unless it was part of their school uniform, most girls seldom, if ever wore them to school.  As for the urge to wear one, I think its much greater in those of us into spankings mainly because a skirt and white panties have been ingrained in us as the ‘spanking outfit’ forever.  You look at any old photos of schoolgirls and college girls and they’re almost always in skirts and blouses.  It has become the defacto ‘schoolgirl’ look, but skirts and panties also make it very easy to bare our bottoms, and we usually look rather delightful bent over a desk and bare.    Beth

Skinny DippingIt seems your ‘neked’ experiences trump mine!  LOL  Almost all of my group skinny dipping was in high school and college. I did several with a boyfriend and other couples when I was younger, but now its strictly me and my husband privately. Lets see, I’ve swan naked in the Atlantic, the Gulf of Mexico, rivers, lakes, several old quarries, and more than a few swimming pools. I’ll be honest, I’ve never actually done it with complete strangers, although I’ve been caught by them on occasion.

Wow, I didn’t know there were all those hot springs in the Pacific NW, but thinking about volcanos I can see where there would be. Yeah, I think I will put it on my bucket list. Maybe my husband and I will plan a vacation in that area next year. Are any of the springs remote and secluded enough we could be the only ones there? This year we’re going to Ireland for a couple of weeks, not with a group tour, just us, but we’re checking out some of the tours just to find out which sites they go to.

Hi Bogey,  I tend to stay away from skirts and dresses because they make my hips look much broader than they already are, and that leaves out the stockings and pantyhose. I’ll put them on when we’re playing because hubby likes them, but that’s about the only time I wear those little outfits. He prefers garter belts or suspender hose so they leave my butt exposed, but I’m sure you like Bacall in them too.

Personally, I think there are far too many photos of girls blatantly showing everything, and I suspect some of them are going to be sorry in the future. Once its on the internet, it never goes away, and someone will always find it. Some of those young college girls may lose job opportunities because of their online pics. 

You sound like my husband. If I’m completely nude, he just likes a pair of earrings, and on occasion just a garter belt with the garters hanging loose. Some times its just a pair of handcuffs holding my wrists behind my back when I’m in a corner and I know my butt is going to be pretty stingy before he takes them off!  LOL   

OMG, you still have that picture?  It must be 10 years old!  It was at my sister’s after we had a girl’s night out and I was feeling kinda naughty!  LOL  I hadn’t even met my husband then, and I was between boyfriends. Actually I was between boyfriends for quite awhile before that because the guy I had broken up with was such a jerk I didn’t want to date anybody!  I think I was sexier then than I am now, but my legs were still kind of ‘heavy’. Even when I was a teenager I never looked good in a mini-skirt or short shorts. Thank you for the compliments, I appreciate them.   

I’ve never actually worn one of those half, or holey bras as you call it, and the crotch less panties when we’ve gone out. I must be getting old because I remember going ‘commando’ with no panties or bra when I was in my 20’s and early 30’s!  Now I ‘jiggle’ too much to do that anymore!  LOL     Are you traveling with friends, or are they people you met at the campgrounds?  One of my husband’s uncles has a motorhome and they caravan with a few other couples when they travel. I don’t know if I’d want to do it for long periods, but a couple of weeks here and there would be fun. I’m thinking of all the new and interesting places my hubby could turn me over his knee.     Be safe traveling!    Beth

Should I continue to post more of Beth from time-to-time?


We visited some RV pals in Nevada. Just down from their home was a brothel. They suggested we take the tour. And so we did. All the girls stood in a line and I picked this leggy one to give us the tour.

Now wouldn’t it be fun to pick your spanker by having them all line up for you? And yes, paddles were sale.

A week of memories here. I lost my last best friend a year ago last week. Think about that phrase last best friend. He outlived all his friends. His son is the only one left that he was close to.

Frank was more than my friend. My Dad died when I was 21. Frank became my adult Dad. He knew before I did when I needed help and he slipped in and took care of it. He always knew someone that knew someone else that could make things large and small happen.

This weekend 55 years ago Frank lost his Sargent Major in an attack on his firebase. They were close. I always spent Labor Day listening to Frank talk about that day. The house was always full of people. His wife was not content unless there were 30+ people over having a drink. 

It was my pleasure to sit with Frank, to listen to whatever he might care to talk about. He would not drink so fast when I sat beside him. And he sure had a lot to drink about.

Small world footnote. Frank commanded a Marine firebase of 155mm howitzers. The base force protection company was commanded by Charles Robb who was married to Lynda Bird Johnson.

You wake up and see these gals. You don’t know them, but you are in college.

Got a story? No AI, your brain cells


There will be three, or more, posts where you may vote for your fav spanker. Then there will be a final with the top ten vote-getters.

The images shown where you vote are too darn small, so here they are full size. Be sure to vote by clicking on one of the choices below at the bottom of this post.

For Openers

What do you feel like doing this afternoon?

She is getting some special tutoring. Pussy whipped.

For the younger readers, this was what a spanking looked like in the 1970’s.

I like getting spanked and I am getting paid to be spanked

Fun, Fun, Fun

I’m Ready. You?

Let’s Get Washed Up for Dinner. Keeping the Bottom Wet Adds Sting

Love to see the bedspread held

Michael got the

– 9-ply, 3/4 inch birch round at the Far Left

– 1/2″ southern pine – Second from the right

– Bakelite hairbrush – the Quiet Queen that burns

We do switch. There’s some ebb and flow to it. My wife likes being spanked but was opposed to spanking until I helped her to see them as “spicy massages.”

When I spank her there’s a strong sexy dominance element but I also have shown her how much I like creating color and seeing her body move, which are things she can appreciate from the giving end.

Continuing to rack up experiences with that round paddle. [a 3/4″ butt pounder] Last night she gave me about 200 medium-strength swats. Feeling it nicely today. The first 70-80 or so are hard to stay still for, but then we settle in and being a guy I’m determined to take whatever she wants to give because I’m just glad she’s into it!

I gave her an incredible belting two nights ago in bed. I keep her close so I can rub between each one. She really likes it and it means I get to spank more before the limit’s hit. Fun for everyone. We’re getting a bit careless with the sounds at night. No one’s scarred, we hope.

On Wed, Nov 22, 2023
You read it right. I am extremely interested in being spanked, to be clear, and I think she looks great holding a paddle whether dressed or no…it’s just a different kind of excitement than the directly sexual.

I liked the round paddle quite a bit. Because it’s shorter and round, she can swing it faster and her arm is light enough that it’s more sting than thud, at least as I’m experiencing it. No soreness the next day but I think she will go longer next time. Hoping that it grows on her as her thing that she can pull out any time to have some fun with me.


I conducted a short interview and we wrote this.

We’ve done a number of spankings with the pine and the round birch paddles. The pine is a lighter paddle with a fantastic sting. Its length lets one cheek be emphasized or both evenly. We typically spank each other bent over our washing machine since it’s the most private area of the house.Our reactions to being spanked with the pine aren’t the same. I like the way the sting makes me quiver. [We thought it was our #1 stinger] My wife says, “I like the way it makes your upper leg muscles move.” It’s fun but I don’t ramp up much beyond that. The weight of the pine is a good fit for my wife’s strength.

She likes the feel of the wood and the weight of the pine once she’s warmed up, but the sting is hard for her if I don’t do the first few right, and that’s after 100 or so hand spanks to warm up.

We’ve tried a couple of short, intense paddlings of her and while it’s really fun to watch her instantly squirm while bent over, she’s done after 15 seconds. The pine paddle is making me a more patient spanker!

The heavier weight and roundness of the birch mean we are spanked with it quite differently. When she’s getting the birch, it’s because I want to give a quiet spanking. I swing it into her slowly to keep the noise down. The fun for her comes from the momentum and not at all the sting.  But it’s still not her favorite. (We have a handled cutting board that is the best at quiet, slow paddling.)

When I’m getting the birch, it’s an intense, deep-hitting spanking. She paddles me almost as fast as with the pine, with the same moderate strength, and with the birch, that means the first several dozen are stingy and intense, and everything after that builds up a heat and sensitivity that encompasses my entire butt and makes me feel highly thankful for her skill and attention!

After spanking, we will chat about how it went. Since we’re in the laundry room, sometimes I push her down onto a pile of clothes and do stuff. If I spanked her long enough, she’s usually ready to go right over the washing machine. Other times we go to bed and do stuff. Falling asleep next to each other with a couple of hot bottoms is the best ending to a day.

Thanks Michael