For Openers

I am getting notifications for some, but not all comments. So if I do not reply, you know why.

Grumble, there are 4 gifs in this post. Only the last one has motion.

Such a good girl, handing the paddle to him

Oh my, what is she doing with her hand?

An example of why I do not do OTK

Proving my point

Finally, a man with a paddle

Stand up and bend over

She should be paddled for wearing those pants

Love it

For Openers

What time does this blog post?  Usually at 4:56 AM CDT

I looked at the statistics and noted a lot of activity that lasted for only 2 seconds. That indicated to me that people were just checking to see if there was anything new. Now you can recover 2 seconds from your day by knowing when the next post will be up. Time zones matter.

Coming soon – the best way to keep up with new posts.

Bogey,  I love spanking   (#|#)


Pick one













Seems male spanking fantasies have not changed since the days of Letters to Penthouse

How many Mothers or Mothers-In-Law have given a hairbrush to their daughter or daughter-in-law to help with the husband’s attitude and behavior? One? None? I don’t know, but maternal discipline has always been a popular male fantasy. If not spanked by his mother-in-law, then the next best is being spanked by his wife with her Mother’s hairbrush with her Mother watching.

Caught Masturbating and Spanked

I was caught looking at spanking magazines while sitting on the toilet playing with myself. My girlfriend, now my wife, caught me. I had to finish, and then go over her lap. Her hand hurt like hell and I was a total mess when she finished.   hmmm A GF that objected to my masturbating would be an ex GF

The Spanking Room

I saw this on Quora. I don’t believe it, but it would be a great school fundraiser. Alum could get the paddling they always wanted from that special teacher.

In 1981 I graduated from a HS  25 miles east of Nashville. The school had a room with windows to the hall so anyone entering the front door could see the His and Hers bend-over benches. There were at least 10 paddles of various sizes hanging on the wall.

This could be commercial hit. There could be spanking concerns in some of the unused space at malls. I could find out what the difference between His and Hers bend-over benches.

Mom oiled up her thighs and gave her son a good boy spanking with a happy ending

Are there women who even would think of that? I doubt it. I think such thoughts exist only male minds. Are there women who would do that when asked? Maybe so, as weekly women are arrested for sex with minors. But do they know a priori that teenage boys want to be spanked with their willy between their legs?

I never wanted that. As a teen I did not think about being spanked

We watched a marvelous three-part doc on Octopus. It said they needed to touch one another to tell the other’s intent. Like to find out if the other wants to screw you or eat you.

I told Bacall that humans do not have that ability at all. We are easily deceived. Touched or not. I decided I should make sure this was the case by starting to feel strange women’s ass. (OK, OK, women are strange anyway)

Bacall said go ahead. I will let you know if I can tell what they are thinking by groping them.

Groping Candidate

For Openers

A lot of men would like to be spanked by the girl next door

I have never understood this. Don’t understand superposition either.

The Thong Bikini is just like politics. It separates the left from the right, protects the center, changes everyone’s “point of view” and forces all the people to look in the same direction with the same goal.

Not everyone is shy about being spanked in public. This is the annual Folsom Street Fair. Same thing at Burning Man.

This not factually true, but makes a good story.


Bless the women for taking the time to find ones with a good fit

And you get the jeans down and see this

The obligatory schoolgirl

These AI generated pictures are getting good. Love the way those shorts fit separating the cheeks.

Holy Moly

Barbed wire is little weird folks

Yeah, buddy, this one is for you.

This site is under construction. Behind the scenes, it’s complex. I will have a long learning curve. But, it is ready enough to post the usual foolishness.

But first folks, you would not be reading this had not a fellow blogger stepped up and made it happen. I want to give my unqualified appreciation to Caged Lion.  All credit goes to him. Please give him a shoutout.

For you fellow degenerates here is one picture.

Thigh spanking imparts sting before the spanking. Front, back and inside are all fair game. Bacall favors the inside. I was keen on the front and back.